All posts by A Green Mouse

KS2/3 French Story – Maggie has Grown

KS2/3 French Story Practice for Children
Present + Past Tenses

French short story about a dog, supported by a YouTube video, Video Transcript, Questions and an  Online Quiz.
The story begins in the past tense before moving on to the present tense to discuss likes and dislikes in the 3rd person:
Maggie a grandi!  Maggie has grown!


The Story in French

(Past Tense – Passé Composé)
Maggie a grandi!
Elle a grandi beaucoup!
Elle a changé énormément!
Elle est devenue coquine!

(Present Tense)
Connaissez-vous un chien qui aime faire ceci?
Elle aime faire du toboggan!
En plus …
Elle aime jouer à cache-cache!
Et elle aime cacher les choses!
Elle adore jouer dans la boue!

Elle n’aime pas les bains!
Elle n’aime pas aller chez le coiffeur!

Shh … Elle dort!

Écrivez trois choses qu’elle aime faire
Écrivez deux choses qu’elle n’aime pas!


Answer the questions in French in the 3rd person:
Elle aime               = she likes …
Elle n’aime pas   =  she doesn’t like …

1.  Qu’est-ce que Maggie aime faire? 
a) …
b) …
c) …

2.  Qu’est-ce que Maggie n’aime pas faire?
a) …
b) …

Now talk about yourself:
Je!  J’aime … Je n’aime pas!
What are YOUR likes and dislikes?
Write down two of each, from the story or elsewhere:
J’aime …
Je n’aime pas

Maggie is mischievous:  Elle est coquine!
What are YOU like?
Think about it.
It’s why you like some things more than others:
Je suis …

Online Quiz

This Quiz is also available on its own separate page:
Online Quiz

image for French practice for kids

Pomme de Reinette

Pomme de Reinette

Easy French children’s song + counting rhyme:  Lyrics + Video to sing along to and join in with, the actions demonstrated by a friendly lemur.
Join in with the lemur on the video clip.
The words and English translation are printed below the video.


Repeat the verse over and over, bashing fists together, alternating the one on top in time to the rhythm of the words.
Pomme de Reinette, Pomme d’Api,
Tapis, tapis rouge.
Pomme de Reinette, Pomme d’Api,
Tapis, tapis gris!
Cache ton poing derrière ton dos!
Hide your fist behind your back!
Sinon t’auras un coup de marteau!
Or it will be hit by a hammer!

Pomme de Reinette = Pippin Apple
Pomme d’Api = Lady Apple

Image for Pomme de Reinette actions and song
Pomme de Reinette

For more French songs go to:
A Green Mouse French Songs

Comparisons in French: Plus … que

Comparisons in French

Plus  que       =   more than.
Moins  que   =  less than.
Je mange moins que mon père
= I eat less than my father

Je joue plus que mon frère
= I play more than my brother

Short Story, Video,  Online Quiz  + Worksheet which compares two dogs of different ages:


Comparisons + Adjectives:

Adjectives still need to agree with the word they are describing.
Il est plus âgé que moi
= He is older than me

est plus âgée que moi
= She is older than me

Il est plus grand que moi
=  He is bigger than me

est plus grande que moi
=  She is bigger than moi

Ils sont plus grands que moi
= They are bigger than me

Elles sont plus âgées que moi
= They are older than me

– – – –

Comparisons + Adverbs:

E.g:  vite = fast
Il court plus vite que moi
He runs faster than me

– – – –
‘The most’ in French =
le plus (m)
la plus (f)
les plus (m+f plural)
– – – –

Video Transcript

Je suis vieux.
Je suis plus âgé que Félix.
Félix est jeune.
Il est plus jeune que moi.
Il court plus vite que moi.
Moi, je ne cours pas du tout.
Je renifle!
J’ai seize ans. Je suis vieux.
C’est beaucoup seize ans?
Pour un chien OUI!
Un an humain égale sept ans pour un chien.
Seize multiplié par sept égale cent douze.
J’ai cent douze ans! 
Je suis plus âgé que toi!

Connaissez-vous un chien?
Quel âge a-t-il?
Qui est le plus âgé? Toi ou le chien?  (= the most)

Maggie(f) est plus âgée que Billy.
Ah, voilà Billy!
Tu es plus jeune que ta maman!

– – – –

Now think about YOURSELF:
a)  Who are you older than?
(Add aneto âgé to make âgée if you are a girl)
Choose a pet, friend, relative, anybody:
Je suis plus âgé/âgée que …

b)  Who are you younger than?
Je suis plus jeune que …

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page:
Online Quiz

image for comparisons in French

French Story About a Forest Fire

KS3 French Story about a Forest Fire

KS3/4 French Story about holidays and the environment with video and images of the emergency services putting out a forest fire in a hot Mediterranean country during the summer holiday season:
Subtitled videos, Online Quiz, translation practice + worksheets:
PDF Worksheet
English Translation Practice


la plupart du temps    most of the time
tout à coup                     suddenly
à cause de                       because of
au-dessus                       overhead, above
l’un après l’autre         one after the other
quelque part                  somewhere
partout                            everywhere

les feux de forêt          forest fires
l’incendie                        the fire
la foudre                         lightening
la négligence humaine   human negligence
les cigales                           the cicadas
un canadair                        a fire-fighting plane
vos déchets                        your rubbish
un hélicoptère bombardier
a fire-fighting helicopter

Faites attention à vos déchets!
Watch out with your rubbish!


1.  French Audio with French and English subtitles:

2. With French subtitles only:

3. With NO subtitles:

Free Downloadable Worksheet

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz

image for French holiday story

For a French holiday resource using 3 tenses go to:
French Holiday Resource – Past, Present and Future

My Family in Spanish

My Family in Spanish

My Family in Spanish Vocabulary + Gender: Practice via a short story, video clips an online quiz and a printable worksheet. 


Spanish + English Subtitles:


una familia     the family
mi familia        my family

los padres       the parents

una mamá       a mum
una madre      a mother
una madrastra   a stepmother

un papá       a dad
un padre     a father
un padrastro   a stepfather

una esposa    a wife
un esposo      a husband
un marido      a husband

los hijos           the children
un hijo              a child
un hijo              a son
una hija            a daughter

los hermanos      the brothers and sisters
un hermano         a brother
un hermano mayor    an older brother
un hermano menor    a younger brother
una hermana       a sister
una hermana mayor   an older sister
una hermana menor   a younger sister

los abuelos   the grandparents
un abuelo      a grandfather
una abuela    a grandmother

los nietos        the grandchildren
un nieto           a grandson
una nieta         a granddaughter

los tíos             the uncles and aunts
un tío                an uncle
unaa             an aunt

los primos     the cousins
un primo        a boy cousin
una prima     a girl cousin

MY = Mi, Mis
HIS/HER = Su, Sus

Online Quiz



Version Two with ONLY Spanish subtitles:

Video Transcript

¡Hola! Me llamo Maggie.
Soy una esposa
Mi marido se llama Riddick.
Soy una mamá.
Tengo una familia.
Es mi hijo mayor.
¡Es una niña!
¡Tengo mucho trabajo!
¡Mis hijos!

Las tres hermanas se van.
Su hermano se queda en casa.
Le gustan los abrazos.
¡Le encantan los abrazos!
Me da besos.

Me gusta vivir con mi hijo.
Se llama Billy.

La hermana menor de Billy viene de visita.
Regresa a casa.
¡Le gusta la cama de su hermano!
¡No pasa nada porque su hermano es simpático!

¡Los abuelos!
Este es el abuelo de Billy.
Esta es su abuela.
¡Aquí está su abuela y su madre con sus hermanos!
Billy tiene cinco tíos y tres tías.

¡Mi familia!

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page:
Online Quiz

 Gap Fill Worksheet

My Family in French

My Family in French

Ma famille (f)= My family
Family in French vocabulary + practice in the 1st person + 3rd person with subtitled videos, an online quiz + worksheet.
Meet Maggie’s family in French!


Mon, Ma, Mes = My
Son, Sa, Ses      = His/Her
Use MON or SON if a feminine word begins with a vowel
Mon aînée =  my eldest daughter


ma maman          my mum
ma mère               my mother
ma belle-mère  my stepmother

mon papa          my dad
mon père           my father
mon beau-père  my stepfather

sa femme          his wife
son mari             her husband

mon frère          my brother
ma soeur            my sister
mes frères et soeurs  the siblings, the brothers and sisters

mon grand-père            my grandfather
ma grand-mère             my grandmother
mes grand-parents     my grandparents

– – – –

un enfant        a child
un fils                a son
une fille           a daughter
les enfants     the children

un petit fils                   a grandson
une petite fille           a granddaughter
les petits-enfants     the grandchildren

un oncle               an uncle
une tante            an aunt
les oncles et les tantes   the uncles and aunts

un cousin            a boy cousin
une cousine       a girl cousin
les cousins         the cousins

l’aîné (m)     the eldest son
l’aînée (f)     the eldest daughter

Video Clips

Version Two with NO English subtitles:

My Family in French Worksheet

Online Quiz

This Quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz

image for My Family in French

Spanish Song: Mis Manitas

Mis Manitas – Spanish Lullaby

Mis Manitas is a gentle Spanish lullaby
Miss Manitas = My Little Hands
It is a gentle clapping song for babies and young children.


(Start with hands behind your back and follow the actions)
Saco mis manitas  
y las pongo a bailar
Las abro, las cierro
y las vuelvo a guardar

I take out my little hands
and I make them dance.
I open them, I close them
and I put them away again
(behind back)

Saco mis manitas
y las pongo a danzar
Las abro, las cierro
y las vuelvo a guardar.

I take out my little hands
and I make them dance.
I open them, I close them
and I put them away again.

Saco mis manitas
y las pongo a palmear
Las abro, las cierro
y las vuelvo a guardar

I take out my little hands
and I clap them together.
I open them, I close them,
and I put them away again.

A Green Mouse Spanish Songs

Meunier tu dors

Meunier tu dors

Gentle French song for children
Traditional French nursery rhyme about a windmill with simple actions and repetitive practice to join in with.
Song lyrics, English translation + video clip:


Can you hear snoring in the background?  It’s the miller!  He needs to wake up and look after his windmill!  If it goes too fast sparks will fly and the windmill could catch fire – watch out!!

The Actions:
Roll your arms and hands over and over each other staying in time with the music.
The music starts slowly and then speeds up when the windmill is going too fast!

Meunier, tu dors:
Meunier, tu dors!
Miller you are sleeping!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop vite!
is going too fast!

Meunier, tu dors!
Miller you are sleeping!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop fort.
is going too powerfully

Refrain: Repeat x 2
Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop vite!
is going too fast!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop fort!  
is going too powerfully

Repeat again.

image for French song Meunier tu does

For more French songs go to:
A Green Mouse French Songs for Children

Introductions in Spanish

Introductions in Spanish

Meet the characters in the video clip, all in different moods, some enthusiastic, others fed up, friendly or self-important.
It makes a difference how you speak to people, not just what you say.

(How about a role play in which children could act out the different scenarios).


¡Hola!                      Hello!
¿Qué tal?                How are you?
¿Cómo estás?      How are you?
Bien gracias         Fine thank you.
Encantado(a)      Delighted to meet you
Le presento a …   Let me introduce you to …
Buenos días          Good morning
Buenas noches    Good night
Buenas tardes     Good afternoon
Hasta luego           See you later
Hasta pronto        See you soon
¡Adiós!                     Goodbye!

Video Transcript:

Buenos Días.
¿Qué tal?
Aquí estoy …
¿Y tú? ¿Cómo estás?
Bien gracias.  Le presento a mi hermana.
Le presento a …
¡Buenos días Señora Gata!
Buenos días perros. ¿Cómo están?
¡Muy bien gracias! ¿Y usted?
Hasta luego …
¡Buenos días Felix! ¿Cómo estás?
¡Hola Oscar! Estoy bien gracias. Hasta luego.
¡Hasta luego Oscar!
¡Adiós! ¡Hasta luego!
Se llama …
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
Le presento a mi amigo.
¡Se llama Billy!
¡Hola! ¡Le presento a mi amigo!
¡Se llama Agustín!
¡Hasta pronto!  (x4!)
¡Buenas noches!
¡Buenas noches Billy!
¡Buenas noches a todos!

image for meeting and greeting in Spanish

Vocabulary for Family Members: My Family in Spanish

KS2 French workshops: Alliance Française, Manchester

Published 23rd October 2013

Rusty French? Lacking in confidence?  These workshops might help …
A Green Mouse has been asked to pass on the following information from the Alliance française:

“In partnership with the French Institute in London, the Alliance française de Manchester is organising a series of 6 workshops to support any practitioners involved in teaching French in Key Stage 2, especially class teachers and teaching assistants, who would like to get started with French or to use it more regularly in the classroom, from 14th January 2014 onwards.

These workshops are aimed at practitioners who have little or no knowledge of French, including those who feel rusty and lack the confidence to use their French in the classroom and will be led by Catherine Cheater, renowned trainer both nationally and internationally, and author of Catherine Cheater Schemes of Work for French.

With a maximum of 20 participants, these sessions of 3 hours each aim to be friendly, supportive and fun. As such, participants need not feel anxious about their level of French. Handouts with key language will be provided at each session.

For further information on dates and times, please refer to the following link on our website:
KS2 French Workshops ”

Count to 10 in Spanish

Count to 10 in Spanish

–  Learn numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish by counting fruit with the friendly monkey on the video.

–  Learn some Spanish fruit vocabulary and its gender … because fruit in Spanish is either masculine or feminine.

Fruit Vocabulary

Masculine Fruit:
A banana           un plátano 
A blueberry      un arándano
A peach              un melocotón
An apricot         un albaricoque

Feminine Fruit:
A raspberry      una frambuesa   
A nectarine       una nectarina    
An apple             una manzana  
A strawberry   una fresa
A raisin                una pasa

Spanish Numbers 1 – 10

Un, Uno, Una  =  One in Spanish
1     un, uno, una
2     dos
3     tres
4     cuatro
5     cinco
6     seis
7     siete
8     ocho
9     nueve
10  diez

Un or Una  also means:   a or an  
‘Un’      is for masculine words
Un melocotón
(m)  –  a peach

¿Quieres uno?    = Do you want one?

– – –

is for feminine words
una manzana (f) = An apple

¿Quieres una?   = Do you want one?  

Numbers + Fruit Video

Downloadable Worksheet:
Count to 10 in Spanish

Video Transcript

Un mono, un oso, un plátano

Un mono, dos frambuesas

– una, dos

¡Uy! ¿Dónde está su cabeza?

Un mono, tres arándanos

– uno, dos tres

Un mono, cuatro melocotones

– uno, dos, tres, cuatro

Un mono, cinco albaricoques

– uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco

Un mono, seis nectarinas

– una, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis

Un mono, siete manzanas

– una, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete

Un mono, ocho fresas

– una, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho

Un mono, nueve pasas

– una, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

Un mono, diez albaricoques

– uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez

¡Hasta luego!


image for counting to 10 in Spanish
Count to 10 in Spanish

Click here to sing and count Spanish numbers 0 – 10 in a song.

More Food Practice:
Spanish Food and Drink Resources

Count to 10 in French

Count to 10 in French

Learn numbers 1 to 10 in French by counting fruit:
Learn the names of fruit in French too, and their genders via the video clip.
The fruit is placed in fun places for children to spot while they count along in French with the video:

un           1
deux       2
trois       3
quatre    4
cinq        5
six          6
sept        7
huit        8
neuf       9
dix         10

‘Un’ (1)  also means ‘a‘ or ‘an
Words in French are masculine or feminine, even fruit!
Un changes to Une with feminine words
un abricot(m)   an apricot
 un singe(m)      a monkey
une fraise(f)      a strawberry

Fruit Vocabulary

a Banana          une banane(f)
a raspberry       une framboise(f)
a blueberry       une myrtille(f)
a peach            une pêche(f)
an apricot        un abricot(m)
a nectarine       une nectarine(f)
an apple           une pomme(f)
a strawberry     une fraise(f)
a raisin               un raisin sec(m)

Numbers + Fruit Video

Downloadable Worksheet:
Count to 10 in French

Video Transcript

Un singe, un ours(m), une banane(f)
Un singe, deux framboises
Oh non! Où est sa tête?
Un singe, trois myrtilles
Un singe, quatre pêches
Un singe, cinq abricots
Un singe, six nectarines
Un singe, sept pommes
Un singe, huit fraises
Un singe, neuf raisins secs
Un singe, un ours, dix abricots

Image for count to 10 in French

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Counting + Fruit Quiz

Introductions in French

Introductions in French

Meeting and Greeting in French
– Vocabulary + Video:

Whatever language is used, just a few short words can be welcoming and make people feel great, or have a very different effect.



Bonjour         Hello, Hi
Bonsoir         Good Evening
Bonne nuit   Good night
Comment vas-tu?  How are you?
Comment allez-vous?
How are you? (Plural + formal greeting)

Ça va?
How ‘s it going?  How are you?
Comment ça va?
How are you getting on?  How are you?

Ça va      Fine … I’m fine
Très bien merci  Very well thank you

Au revoir       Goodbye
À plus tard   
See you later
À bientôt      
See you soon

Je m’appelle   My name is  (I call myself)
Il  s’appelle     His name is   (He calls himself)

Je vous présente mon ami …
=  Let me introduce you to my friend …

Bonsoir (Good Evening) is not included in this resource.  How about coming up with a good idea for presenting that …?!

The tone used when you meet somebody says so much about you.  A few short words can express so much emotion, friendly vibes, an air of superiority, respect …
This subtitled French video clip introduces a variety of characters, all in different moods, some enthusiastic, others fed up or just relaxed and friendly.

Video Transcript in French

Comment vas-tu?
Oh, ça va.
Et toi?  Ça va?
Ça va merci.  Je vous présente ma soeur.
Je vous présente …
Oh!  Bonjour Madame la Chatte!
Bonjour les chiens.  Comment allez-vous?
Très bien merci!  Et vous?
Au revoir.
À plus tard …
Bonjour Félix!  Ça va?
Bonjour Oscar!  Oui, ça va. À plus tard.
À plus tard Oscar …
Au revoir!  À plus tard …
Il s’appelle …
Salut!  Comment ça va?
Je vous présente mon ami.
Il s’appelle Billy.
Salut!  Je vous présente mon ami!
Il s’appelle Auguste.
À bientôt!
À bientôt!
À bientôt!
À bientôt!
Bonne nuit!
Bonne nuit Billy.
Bonne nuit tout le monde!

image for meeting and greeting in French
Introductions in French

For an introduction to members of the family click here: Ma Famille!

French Leek Tart Recipe

French Leek Tart Recipe

Tarte aux Poireaux:
Delicious recipe for a French leek tart adapted to the UK by using mature cheddar cheese.
(Gruyère cheese is more authentic but cheddar works very well).
Video Clip with French/English subtitles.


Ingrédients       ingredients
Préparation      cooking instructions
Un moule           mould or tin
La pâte brisée  shortcrust pastry
Une cuillerée    a teaspoon
Un rouleau        a rolling pin
Le fond            the base


Préchauffez     Pre-heat
Mélangez          Mix
Étendez             Roll out
Coupez              Cut
Ajoutez             Add
Assaisonez       Season
Chauffez           Heat
Versez                Pour


shortcrust pastry
(100g plain flour, 60g butter, 1tspn French mustard, cold water to bind pastry together)
1kg leeks
50g watercress
7 eggs
100g serrano or parma ham
200g grated mature cheddar cheese.
28cm tart tin

Strong tip: Make the pastry base as thin as possible and cook the pastry base blind before adding the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe Video

Subtitles in French and English

The Recipe in French

Préchauffez le four à 210C
Prenez un moule à tarte anti-adhésif de 28cms.
Faites une pâte brisée avec 100g de farine, 60g de beurre, une cuillerée de moutarde et de l’eau froide.
Étendez la pâte au rouleau.
Piquez le fond avec une fourchette.
Maintenant il faut préparer un kilo de poireaux.
Retirez les feuilles vertes.
Coupez le bout de chaque poireau.
Lavez bien les poireaux.
Ensuite mettez 25g de beurre dans une casserole,
et chauffez les poireaux.
Faites cuire pendant 10minutes.
Faites écouler l’eau avant de répartir les poireaux sur le fond de pâte crue.
Ajoutez 50g de cresson,
100g de vieux cheddar râpé,
et 50g de jambon.
Mélangez sept oeufs dans un bol.
Versez les oeufs sur la tarte.
Ajoutez encore 100g de vieux cheddar râpé, 50g de jambon, et du poivre.

Temps de cuisson:  Environ 30 minutes

Une belle tarte aux poireaux!
– – –
Translate the verbs in the recipe instructions (highlighted in bold) into English.

If a sweet tart appeals, this is a delicious recipe for French strawberry tart:
Tarte aux fraises – French strawberry tart!

image for French leek tart

French Questions in the Story ‘Dogs at the River’

Questions in French for Children

Simple questions have been added to the video clip of a short story in French about two dogs on a walk by the river.
For worksheets of the story, a video with no English subtitles, and an online quiz go to:
Dogs at the river in French

Que fait-il?
What is he doing?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a?
What has he got?

Où est Maggie?
Where is Maggie?


In English:
1.  What is Billy doing in the river?
2.  What does Billy have in his mouth?
3.  Does Maggie like swimming?
4.  What does Maggie do?
5.  How does Billy arrive?

In French:
1.  Que fait Billy dans la rivière?

2.  Qu’est-ce que Billy a dans sa bouche?

3.  Est-ce que Maggie aime nager?

4.  Que fait Maggie?

5.  Comment arrive Billy?  (Comment = How)

image for Primary French Story

Spanish Story: Mischievous Maggie

Spanish Story for Children
– Maggie is Mischievous

= Maggie es traviesa
Spanish Short Story about Possession, with Video clips, a Worksheet and an  Online Quiz.


Mi juguete  =  My toy
Mi  is a possessive adjective which describes the noun ‘juguete’ by saying who it belongs to:
What kind of toy is it?  It is my toy!

Es mío  =  It’s mine
Mío is a possessive pronoun.
Pronouns do not just describe nouns, they take their place!


2.  Repeat with only Spanish subtitles:

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
online quiz

– – – –

Video Transcript in Spanish

Este es Billy.

“¡Mucho gusto!
Le presento a mi mamá.  Se llama Maggie.
La quiero mucho.
¡Ella manda!
Mira lo que hace …

Es la mañana.  Queremos salir.
Tiene mi juguete!  ¡Es mío!  Es mi juguete.
Quiero mi juguete.  Tienes mi juguete.

¡Maggie es muy traviesa!
¡Le gusta esconder mi juguete!

Está corriendo.  Mira lo que hace.
Esconde mi juguete.  Entierra mi juguete.
Mi pobre juguete.

¡Esto no me gusta!”

Tengo (I have) + Pencil Case Items

Pencil Case Items in Spanish + Tengo

Learn the vocabulary for items in a pencil case and their gender: Short sentences in Spanish introduce pencil case items using the 1st person of the verb Tener:
Tengo  = I have
Tengo un lápiz (m) = I have a pencil
Tengo una goma (f) = I have a rubber

Listen and join in with the video clip.  Do the online quiz, read the transcript below, and do the Worksheet


un estuche (m)         a pencil case
un bolígrafo (m)      a biro
un lápiz (m)                a pencil
un sacapuntas (m)  a pencil sharpener
un cuaderno (m)      a notepad
un cartucho (m)       a cartridge
un libro (m)                  a book

una regla (f)              a ruler
una goma (f)             a rubber
una pluma (f)           a pen

una papelera (f)
a wastepaper bin

los lápices de colores (m)
the coloured pencils

el papel (m)       the paper
la cola (f)
             the glue
las tijeras (f)      the scissors

la basura (f)       the rubbish


Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
online quiz

Worksheet:  Tengo + Pencil Case Items

Video Transcript

Tengo una mochila
La mochila(f)  the rucksack
Tengo un estuche
El estuche(m)  the pencil case

¿Qué tengo en mi estuche?
What do I have in my pencil case?
Tengo una pluma
La pluma(f)  the pen
Tengo un lápiz
El lápiz(m)  the pencil
Tengo una goma
La goma(f)  the rubber
Tengo un cuaderno
El cuaderno(m)  the exercise book
Tengo un libro
El libro(m)  the book
Tengo papel
El papel(m)  the paper
Tengo tijeras
Las tijeras(fpl)  the scissors
Tengo una regla
La regla(f)  the ruler
Tengo cartuchos
Los cartuchos(mpl)  the cartridges
Tengo un bolígrafo
El bolígrafo(m)  the biro
Tengo cola
La cola(f)   the glue
Tengo lápices de colores
Los lápices de colores(mpl)  the coloured pencils
Tengo un sacapuntas
El sacapuntas(m)  the pencil sharpener

¿Y ahora qué?
Pongo la basura aquí.
I put the rubbish here.
Tengo una pregunta para Billy.
I have a question for Billy

¿Tienes vergüenza?
Are you ashamed?
¡Sí, tengo vergüenza!
Yes, I am ashamed!

– – –

To learn more about the verb TENER go to:
Uses of Tener – Tengo

Ces, Ses, C’est

French Homophones – Ces, Ses, C’est

Homophones are words that sound the same but mean different things.
Ces, Ses, C’est  are common French homophones which can easily be mixed up.
French Grammar + Practice via a friendly Nature story, Video,  Online Quiz  +  Worksheet

A useful way to avoid writing C’est in the wrong place is to ask yourself whether ‘it is’ fits in and makes sense with the rest of the sentence.


CES = These/those:
Ces is a demonstrative adjective  used to describe a plural noun.
E.g.  What sort of apples?
These apples  –  Ces pommes
Those apples  –  Ces pommes


Ses is a Possessive Adjective
Ses = His/Her/Its + a plural noun.
(Like all French adjectives, possessive adjectives agree with the noun they refer to).
E.g:  Whose/What sort of parents?
Her parents – Ses parents
Whose/What sort of cousins?
His cousins  – Ses cousins


C’est comes from Ce + est
Ce is a demonstrative adjective
C’est  =  It is, this is, that is
C’est =  Ce + est
Eg:  C’est un petit oiseau  – It is a little bird

– – –

Ce  =  This/That + masculine noun
Cet  =  This/That + masculine noun beginning with a vowel
Cette (f)  =  This/That + feminine noun
Ces  =  These/Those + all plural nouns


Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own page:  Online Quiz

Video Transcript

C’est un jour important!
Ces parents s’inquiètent!
C’est la maman.
Cette maman s’inquiète …
C’est le papa!
Ce papa s’inquiète …
Qu’est-ce qui se passe?

Leur oisillon apprend à voler.  (Leur = Their)

Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est leur petit!
Il ne bouge pas …
Ses parents s’inquiètent!

Cet oiseau est dangereux!

Que fait ce petit?
C’est incroyable ..!
Ce petit dort!
Cet oiseau regarde.
Heureusement le petit se réveille …

Quoi?  Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Oh!  Il faut s’échapper!

Ce petit a fait peur à ses parents!

Worksheet: Gap Fill Exercise


Image for French homophones

Avoir Practice: J’ai

J’AI – 1st Person of the Verb AVOIR

J’ai  = I have
Je + ai = J’ai
J’ai un chien
=  I have a dog

Introduction to the Uses of the Verb AVOIR:
Video clip, Online Quiz + Worksheet:

Try to picture the idea of having hunger or having years that belong to you …
Why? Because instead of saying ‘I am hungry’ or ‘I am 9’,  French people say,  ‘I have hunger’ and ‘I have 9 years’:

J’ai faim           =  I am hungry
J’ai neuf ans   =  I am nine


PDF Worksheet

Video Transcript

J’ai  –  I have
Qu’est-ce que tu as?
What have you got?
J’ai des bottes(f).
I have some boots.
J’ai un chien.
I have a dog.
J’ai un cochon d’Inde.
I have a guinea pig.
J’ai un cadeau.
I have a present.
J’ai des devoirs(m).
I have some homework.
J’ai une gomme.
I have a rubber.

Et toi?  Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you?  What have you got?
J’ai un gâteau.
I have a cake.
Et toi?  Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you?  What have you got?
J’ai un sourire!
I have a smile!
J’ai une maman!
I have a mum!
Et toi?  Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you?  What have you got?
J’ai un jouet.
I have a toy.

J’ai mal à la tête!
I have a headache
Et toi?  Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you?  What’s wrong? (What have you got?)
J’ai mal au doigt!
I have a sore finger!

J’ai faim!             I am hungry
J’ai soif!               I am thirsty
J’ai froid!             I am cold
J’ai chaud!          I am hot
J’ai sommeil!     I am sleepy

J’ai dix ans.        I am ten
J’ai deux ans.    I am two
J’ai cinq ans.      I am five
J’ai sept ans.     I am seven
J’ai neuf ans.     I am nine
J’ai seize ans      I am sixteen

Online Quiz

This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz

For more practice on this topic go to:
Uses of the Verb AVOIR – Present Tense

Image for To Have in French - J'ai

Ser + Estar Questions for Kids

SER and ESTAR Questions for Kids

Verb Practice in the 3rd Person Present Tense

Video + Worksheet to help children to understand the difference between Ser and Estar:

Use SER       for  What + Who.
What?             = ¿Qué?
What is it?     = ¿Qué es?
What is that? = ¿Eso qué es?

Use ESTAR for Where.
Where?        = ¿Dónde?
Where is it? = ¿Dónde está?


un mono (m)       a monkey
una cama (f)        a bed
una escalera (f)   a staircase
una perra (f)        a female dog
un cachorro (m)  a puppy
un polluelo (m)   a young bird
una mamá (f)      a mother
una caja (f)          a box
un amigo (m)      a friend
una niña (f)         a girl
un oso (m)           a bear
un pájaro enojado (m)
an angry bird

¿Quién?  Who?
No sé      I don’t know
(saber = to know)


Video Transcript:

¿Qué es? ¿Dónde está?
¿Eso qué es?
Es un mono. ¿Dónde está? Está en la cama.

¿Eso qué es? Es una muñeca.
¿Dónde está? Está en la escalera.

¿Eso qué es? Es una perra.
¿Dónde está? Está con sus cachorros.

¿Qué es? Es un polluelo.
¿Dónde está? Está con su mamá.

¿Qué es? Es un cachorro.
¿Dónde está? Está en una caja.

¿Qué es? Es un pájaro enojado.
¿Dónde está? Está con un amigo.

¿Eso qué es? Es una niña.
¿Quién es? No sé.
¿Dónde está? Está con un oso.

– – – – – –

Translation Practice Worksheet

Present Tense of Ser:
Soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son

Present Tense of Estar:
Estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están

More Ser and Estar:
Soy or Estoy – what’s the difference?
ESTAR + The Present Continuous

image for Ser and Estar for kids