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French and Spanish for Children

Free online French and Spanish resources for children aged 7 to 14  for home learning, practice, and work at school.
Interactive listening practice with videos, stories, online quizzes and printable worksheets.
+ Songs for Under 7s.

Learn Spanish

Learn French


A Green Mouse has been sharing free practice for anyone since 2012: About/Reviews

Listening Resources

Videos accompany nearly all the French and Spanish resources on A Green Mouse so that students can hear as well as read the words. The videos are hosted on the A Green Mouse youtube channel:
A Green Mouse Youtube Channel

Language in Context

The resources always present language in context, in a story or in short sentences:
French  Verbs, Vocabulary + Grammar
Spanish Verbs, Vocabulary + Grammar

Interactive Quizzes

The online French and Spanish quizzes link to the video resources on A Green Mouse. They are challenging but free to repeat any number of times.


Writing things down helps to remember things, and work can then be stored for revision too. Most of the resources have printable PDF Worksheets, but please, they are not for commercial use.

Short Stories

Short stories in French and Spanish are used extensively throughout A Green Mouse. They illustrate grammar, verbs and vocabulary, and provide ideas for children to create and write their own stories and descriptions in French or Spanish too.


Pre-school and Primary Songs in French and Spanish have been recorded at a manageable pace for children to listen to and gradually join in with.


Learn about Spain, France and South America in French and Spanish by making Alfajores from Argentina, Biscuits from Brittany, or learning about Carnival celebrations at school in France, and looking closely at Las Fallas in Valencia.

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A Green Mouse is full of stories, verbs, grammar and vocabulary to help anyone to build their knowledge and understanding of French and Spanish.