My Family in French
Ma famille (f)= My family
Family in French vocabulary + practice in the 1st person + 3rd person with subtitled videos, an online quiz + worksheet.
Meet Maggie’s family in French!
Mon, Ma, Mes = My
Son, Sa, Ses = His/Her
Use MON or SON if a feminine word begins with a vowel
Mon aînée = my eldest daughter
ma maman my mum
ma mère my mother
ma belle-mère my stepmother
mon papa my dad
mon père my father
mon beau-père my stepfather
sa femme his wife
son mari her husband
mon frère my brother
ma soeur my sister
mes frères et soeurs the siblings, the brothers and sisters
mon grand-père my grandfather
ma grand-mère my grandmother
mes grand-parents my grandparents
– – – –
un enfant a child
un fils a son
une fille a daughter
les enfants the children
un petit fils a grandson
une petite fille a granddaughter
les petits-enfants the grandchildren
un oncle an uncle
une tante an aunt
les oncles et les tantes the uncles and aunts
un cousin a boy cousin
une cousine a girl cousin
les cousins the cousins
l’aîné (m) the eldest son
l’aînée (f) the eldest daughter
Video Clips
Version Two with NO English subtitles:
My Family in French Worksheet
Online Quiz
This Quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. I have a family.
#2. The oldest is a girl.
#3. I have four children.
#4. I have three girls and a boy.
#5. The three sisters leave the house. ? Sisters, not girls ...
#6. Their brother stays with me.
#7. I like living with my son.

#8. Here is his grandfather.

#9. His mother is with his grandmother. ? HIS, not MY ...
#10. Billy has five uncles and three aunts.
Très bien!
Have another go!
Try this practice. Watch the video:
My Family in French Practice