Meunier tu dors

Meunier tu dors

Gentle French song for children
Traditional French nursery rhyme about a windmill with simple actions and repetitive practice to join in with.
Song lyrics, English translation + video clip:


Can you hear snoring in the background?  It’s the miller!  He needs to wake up and look after his windmill!  If it goes too fast sparks will fly and the windmill could catch fire – watch out!!

The Actions:
Roll your arms and hands over and over each other staying in time with the music.
The music starts slowly and then speeds up when the windmill is going too fast!

Meunier, tu dors:
Meunier, tu dors!
Miller you are sleeping!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop vite!
is going too fast!

Meunier, tu dors!
Miller you are sleeping!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop fort.
is going too powerfully

Refrain: Repeat x 2
Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop vite!
is going too fast!

Ton moulin, ton moulin
Your windmill, your windmill

va trop fort!  
is going too powerfully

Repeat again.

image for French song Meunier tu does

For more French songs go to:
A Green Mouse French Songs for Children