Learn Spanish Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs say what you do to YOURSELF.
Many more verbs are reflexive in Spanish than in English
Vocabulary, Video, Online Quiz + printable worksheet for practice using 19 different reflexive verbs in Spanish to describe and talk about a litter of puppies.
A reflexive verb in Spanish always has a reflexive pronoun
(me, te, se, nos, os, se)
Lavarse = to wash (oneself)
Me lavo = I wash
Te lavas = you wash
Se lava. = He/She washes
Nos lavamos = We wash
Os laváis = You wash
Se lavan = They wash
If you can’t see a reflexive pronoun, the verb is NOT reflexive.
Lavar = to wash
Lavo Maggie = I wash Maggie (not myself!)
Verbs in the story:
despertarse to wake up
lavarse to wash
cepillarse los dientes to brush one’s teeth
vestirse to get dressed
apurarse (apresurarse) to hurry
preocuparse to worry/feel anxious
ocuparse to take care of/look after
enamorarse to fall in love
sentarse to sit down
llamarse to be called
encontrarse to find oneself/to meet up with
ponerse to put oneself
encargarse to take charge of/to manage
acostarse to go to bed
escaparse to escape
permitirse to be allowed
enfadarse to get cross
divertirse to have fun
esconderse to hide (oneself)
2. Repeat Video Clip with NO ENGLISH:
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. The puppies are being born. I am worried!
#2. I wash. I get dressed. I hurry.
#3. There isn’t time to sit down.

#4. Maggie looks after her family very well.

#5. They stay together all the time.
#6. We fall completely in love with the puppies.
#7. They get everywhere!
#8. They escape a lot and sometimes I get cross.
#9. We have a lot of fun with the puppies.
#10. It is so peaceful when they go to bed!
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For more practice using Reflexive Verbs in Spanish go to:
Daily Routine in Spanish