KS3 French Story about a Forest Fire
KS3/4 French Story about holidays and the environment with video and images of the emergency services putting out a forest fire in a hot Mediterranean country during the summer holiday season:
Subtitled videos, Online Quiz, translation practice + worksheets:
– PDF Worksheet
– English Translation Practice
la plupart du temps most of the time
tout à coup suddenly
à cause de because of
au-dessus overhead, above
l’un après l’autre one after the other
quelque part somewhere
partout everywhere
les feux de forêt forest fires
l’incendie the fire
la foudre lightening
la négligence humaine human negligence
les cigales the cicadas
un canadair a fire-fighting plane
vos déchets your rubbish
un hélicoptère bombardier
a fire-fighting helicopter
Faites attention à vos déchets!
Watch out with your rubbish!
1. French Audio with French and English subtitles:
2. With French subtitles only:
3. With NO subtitles:
Free Downloadable Worksheet
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. We often go to the beach.

#2. One day I see smoke.
#3. It is very dangerous because of the heat.
#4. The ground is dry. The smell of smoke is everywhere.

#5. A plane drops water on the fire.
#6. Thankfully there is no wind, but the situation is urgent.

#7. I hear a huge noise. It is a firefighting helicopter.
#8. Finally the firefighting helicopters succeed in putting out the fire!
#9. Human negligence! One must watch out!
#10. One must protect the forest. Watch out for your rubbish!
For a French holiday resource using 3 tenses go to:
French Holiday Resource – Past, Present and Future