Spanish Story for Children
Maggie and the Squirrel
KS2 Spanish Story about a squirrel stealing from a bird feeder. The story emphasises the value of listening, highlights adverbs, and encourages an interest in nature.
Story, subtitled Videos, printable worksheet + online quiz:
Adverbs describe Verbs
Look out for these adverbs in the story:
How does a squirrel arrive?
Una ardilla llega silenciosamente
A squirrel arrives silently.
How hard do the dogs work?
Trabajan muy duro
They work very hard.
Ella va delante
– She goes in front.
Billy va detrás.
– Billy goes behind.
Listen to birdsong. Listen to the world around you. Have you ever heard a cuckoo, or a woodpecker tapping its head against the trunk of a tree? It is so loud!
(Try a Birdsong App to learn to recognise bird song)
Audio in Spanish AND English:
Downloadable PDF Translation Practice Worksheet
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. It is the garden.
#2. There is a bird feeder.

#3. Maggie watches over the garden.
#4. Squirrels are not allowed.
#5. A squirrel listens.
#6. Where is Maggie?

#7. The squirrel arrives quietly.
#8. Maggie runs at full speed.

#9. Billy runs behind Maggie.
#10. The dogs work very hard.
¡Muy bien!
Have another go after reading the story and practice with the video worksheet: