My Pencil Case in French
Learn the vocabulary for items in a pencil case and their gender: Short sentences in French introduce pencil case items using the 1st person from the verb Avoir + an indefinite article (un, une, des):
J’ai un crayon – I have a pencil
J’ai une gomme – I have a rubber
J’ai des cartouches – I have some cartridges
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ma trousse?
What is in my pencil case?
Listen and join in with the video clip.
Do the Online Quiz and complete the Worksheet.
Pencil Case Vocabulary:
Mes affaires (fpl) my things
La trousse (f) the pencil case
La gomme (f) the rubber
La colle (f) the glue
La règle (f) the ruler
La cartouche (f) the cartridge
Les cartouches (fpl) the cartridges
Le sac à dos (m) the rucksack
Le stylo (m) the pen
Le crayon (m) the pencil
Le taille-crayon (m)
the pencil sharpener
Le stylo à bille (m) the biro
Le crayon de couleur (m)
the coloured pencil
Les crayons de couleur (mpl)
the coloured pencils
Les ciseaux (mpl) the scissors
La Rentrée! = The start of the new school year in French.
Do you care what kind of pencil case you have? Is there a latest trend? Why? Does it matter? Consider these questions to get more involved in the subject matter ..!
Possessive Adjectives … I don’t want anyone to touch MY pencil case:
Ma trousse(f) = My pencil case!
I don’t want anyone to touch my rucksack:
Mon sac à dos(m) = My rucksack!
de la colle = some glue
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. (My) _______ trousse.
#2. (A) _____ stylo
#3. (A) ______ gomme
#4. J’ai (a pencil) ____________________ .
#5. J’ai (a ruler) ____________________ .
#6. J’ai (a) _______ taille-crayon .
#7. J’ai (some) ______________________ colle.
#8. There are scissors in my pencil case.
#9. There are some cartridges in my pencil case.
#10. (The) ________ crayons de couleur sont dans ma trousse.
Très bien!
To learn how to use AVOIR in different situations go to:
Avoir Practice: J’ai