Fruit in French
Learn the names of Fruit in French + their gender.
Video clip, online quiz + free printable worksheets:
Names of Fruit + Articles in French Worksheet
Fruit in French Gap Fill Worksheet
Fruit is introduced using Indefinite Articles –
un, une, des:
Un = a, an with masculine singular words
Une= a, an with feminine singular words
Des = Some with all words in the plural
un melon(m) a melon
un citron(m) a lemon
un raisin blanc(m) a white grape
un abricot(m) an apricot
une mangue(f) a mango
une cerise(f) a cherry
une figue(f) a fig
une nectarine(f) a nectarine
une pêche(f) a peach
une mandarine(f) a mandarin (tangerine)
une pomme(f) an apple
une poire(f) a pear
une prune(f) a plum
une banane(f) a banana
une fraise(f) a strawberry
Les = The (in the plural)
Short simple phrases are used to talk about fruit in the video:
J’aime les cerises = I like cherries
J’adore les abricots = I love apricots
Les citrons sont amers = Lemons are bitter
Les (the) is used in French but not in English except in sentences that refer to particular fruit.
The apples on the table are for anyone.
The cherries on the menu come from France.
– – –
Avoir l’air délicieux = to look delicious
Ces = These/Those (It is a demonstrative adjective)
Ces fraises ont l’air délicieux =
These strawberries look delicious
Free Printable Worksheets:
Names of Fruit + Articles in French Worksheet
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
online quiz

#1. J’aime beaucoup (figs) _____________________.
#2. Some plums
#3. J’adore (apricots) ___________________.
#4. (Lemons) ______________________ sont amers.
#5. A peach
#6. Some white grapes
#7. Tu aimes (apples) ____________________?
#8. Here are some mangoes.
#9. (These strawberries) _______________ ont l’air délicieux.
#10. J’aime (mandarins and bananas) ____________________________.
Très bien!
Have another go.
Learn the vocabulary and do some practice via this A Green Mouse resource first:
Fruit in French
Fruit in French Gap Fill Worksheet
Phrases from the Video:
Les citrons sont amers
Lemons are bitter.
D’autres melons
Other melons
J’aime beaucoup les cerises
I really like cherries.
Tu aimes les figues?
Do you like figs?
Moi, j’aime les figues.
(Me), I like figs.
Elles ont l’air délicieux.
They look delicious.
Des raisins blancs aussi –
Aussi = as well
Some white grapes as well.
Les pommes sont rouges –
Apples are red.
(Use ‘The apples are red’ if talking about particular apples)
Maintenant des poires
Now some pears.
Ces fraises ont l’air délicieux.
Ces = These/Those
These/those strawberries look delicious.
Enfin = Finally
Enfin des abricots
Finally some apricots.
J’adore les abricots
I love apricots!
. . . .
More Food and Drink resources available here:
French Food and Drink Resources