J’AI – 1st Person of the Verb AVOIR
J’ai = I have
Je + ai = J’ai
J’ai un chien
= I have a dog
Introduction to the Uses of the Verb AVOIR:
Video clip, Online Quiz + Worksheet:
Try to picture the idea of having hunger or having years that belong to you …
Why? Because instead of saying ‘I am hungry’ or ‘I am 9’, French people say, ‘I have hunger’ and ‘I have 9 years’:
J’ai faim = I am hungry
J’ai neuf ans = I am nine
Video Transcript
J’ai – I have
Qu’est-ce que tu as?
What have you got?
J’ai des bottes(f).
I have some boots.
J’ai un chien.
I have a dog.
J’ai un cochon d’Inde.
I have a guinea pig.
J’ai un cadeau.
I have a present.
J’ai des devoirs(m).
I have some homework.
J’ai une gomme.
I have a rubber.
Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you? What have you got?
J’ai un gâteau.
I have a cake.
Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you? What have you got?
J’ai un sourire!
I have a smile!
J’ai une maman!
I have a mum!
Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you? What have you got?
J’ai un jouet.
I have a toy.
J’ai mal à la tête!
I have a headache
Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu as?
And you? What’s wrong? (What have you got?)
J’ai mal au doigt!
I have a sore finger!
J’ai faim! I am hungry
J’ai soif! I am thirsty
J’ai froid! I am cold
J’ai chaud! I am hot
J’ai sommeil! I am sleepy
J’ai dix ans. I am ten
J’ai deux ans. I am two
J’ai cinq ans. I am five
J’ai sept ans. I am seven
J’ai neuf ans. I am nine
J’ai seize ans I am sixteen
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Online Quiz
#1. I have. I have a present.
#2. What do you have? I have a toy.
#3. What do you have? I have some boots.

#4. I am seven. I have a cake!
#5. Quel âge as-tu? I am ten.
#6. How old are you? I am sixteen.
#7. What’s wrong with you? I have a headache.
#8. I am cold.
#9. I am thirsty.
#10. I have a headache because I am hungry.
For more practice on this topic go to:
Uses of the Verb AVOIR – Present Tense