August/September, the season for sunflowers!
Think of Mediterranean countryside with its fields and fields of sunflowers all appearing to turn their heads to the sun as it moves across the sky:
It is also the time for going back to school, and sunflower seeds have long been a healthy and very popular snack for children in Spanish playgrounds and beyond.
They are called Pipas.
Small bags of salted sunflower seeds (Pipas) are a traditional sight in school playgrounds, where they are allowed:
A very messy business because each ‘pipa’ has to be cracked open to reach the sunflower heart inside, usually done using the front teeth, and then there’s the problem of what to do with the discarded shells ….
Piles of slightly damp ‘pipa’ shells ..?!
A little too salty and messy, but otherwise a great idea …
And today ‘pipas’ are also sold without their shells!
Free listening practice in French and Spanish:
A Green Mouse