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French for Children 7 – 13

Free Online French Listening Resources for teachers, students and parents with videos, online quizzes and printable worksheets for online learning, practice at home, lessons and school work.
The videos have subtitles in French AND English, apart from a few repeats with no subtitles or just in French that have been specially requested by French teachers.
Stories,  Verbs,   Grammar,   Vocabulary, and  Cultural Resources  to help anyone to build their knowledge and understanding of French.
+ Songs for Under 7s


Example of a video of a story in French for children:

A Hamster Story in French

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Example of some grammar practice:

C’EST versus IL EST

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Example of a song for young children:

Promenons-nous dans les Bois


KS3 French Topics

Vocabulary + Practice to learn Directions, Introductions, Family, Health, Birthdays, Animals, Parts of the Body, Daily Routine, Sport, Music, Holidays, The Weather, School, + Food and Drink:

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French Grammar Practice

Adjectives, Articles, Gender, Comparisons, C’est vs il est, Homophones, Prepositions, Direct Object Pronouns, Adverbs etc.. with grammar explanations, videos, stories, quizzes and worksheets:

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French Verb Practice

Avoir, Être, Faire, Jouer au vs Jouer du, Modal Verbs, Negatives, il y a + il faut, On + Verbs, Aller, The Near Future, The Imperfect Tense, Past/Present/Future Practice etc.. with vocabulary, videos, stories, quizzes and worksheets:

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French Short Stories

A Green Mouse is full of short stories for learning in context and encouraging participation and discussion. They are for beginners and intermediates and include interactive quizzes, videos and worksheets:

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French Cultural Activities + Songs

Build an Eiffel Tower with a box of camembert, make Pâte à sel, learn about Carnival in France, make some ‘palets bretons’, a tarte aux fraises, a galette des rois, a tarte aux poireaux …
French Cultural Activities
+ Pre-school and Primary French Nursery Rhymes

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French Quizzes

These online French quiz tests are for use after practice with the corresponding story, grammar or verb resource to test and check knowledge and understanding. The choice of answers in the multiple choice questions can also be used for more interaction and discussion