Count to 10 in French
Learn numbers 1 to 10 in French by counting fruit:
Learn the names of fruit in French too, and their genders via the video clip.
The fruit is placed in fun places for children to spot while they count along in French with the video:
un 1
deux 2
trois 3
quatre 4
cinq 5
six 6
sept 7
huit 8
neuf 9
dix 10
‘Un’ (1) also means ‘a‘ or ‘an‘
Words in French are masculine or feminine, even fruit!
Un changes to Une with feminine words
un abricot(m) an apricot
un singe(m) a monkey
une fraise(f) a strawberry
Fruit Vocabulary
a Banana une banane(f)
a raspberry une framboise(f)
a blueberry une myrtille(f)
a peach une pêche(f)
an apricot un abricot(m)
a nectarine une nectarine(f)
an apple une pomme(f)
a strawberry une fraise(f)
a raisin un raisin sec(m)
Numbers + Fruit Video
Downloadable Worksheet:
Count to 10 in French
Video Transcript
Un singe, un ours(m), une banane(f)
Un singe, deux framboises
Oh non! Où est sa tête?
Un singe, trois myrtilles
Un singe, quatre pêches
Un singe, cinq abricots
Un singe, six nectarines
Un singe, sept pommes
Un singe, huit fraises
Un singe, neuf raisins secs
Un singe, un ours, dix abricots
Online Quiz
This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:
Counting + Fruit Quiz

#1. (one) ____ pomme
#2. (nine) _______ pommes.

#3. (four) _______ pêches
#4. (a) ______ pêche.

#5. (two) _______ framboises
#6. (a) _____ framboise

#7. (three) ______ myrtilles.
#8. (a) ______ myrtille

#9. (ten) _______ abricots