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Spanish Quiz for Kids – Maggie and the Squirrel

Spanish Story Quiz for Children

Maggie and the Squirrel
Do the quiz after reading the story, watching the video and completing the worksheet in this Resource:

Spanish Story – Maggie and the Squirrel


#1. It is the garden.

#2. There is a bird feeder.

#3. Maggie watches over the garden.

#4. Squirrels are not allowed.

#5. A squirrel listens.

#6. Where is Maggie?

#7. The squirrel arrives quietly.

#8. Maggie runs at full speed.

#9. Billy runs behind Maggie.

#10. The dogs work very hard.



¡Muy bien!


Have another go after reading the story and practice with the video worksheet:

Spanish Story – Maggie and the Squirrel