Spanish Story Quiz for Children
– Maggie is Mischievous
Do this primary Spanish quiz after practice with the story, worksheet + videos in this resource:
My Toy in Spanish Story for Children
#1. Es la mañana.

#2. ¡Socorro!

#3. It is my toy.

#4. I want my toy. ? Don't include 'Yo' - 'I' is not usually needed in Spanish except for emphasis.
Quiero mi juguete.
#5. Es mío.
#6. Maggie está corriendo.

#7. Esconde mi juguete.
She hides my toy.

#8. Mi pobre juguete.
My poor toy.

#9. I don’t like this.
Esto no me gusta.

#10. Maggie es muy traviesa.
Maggie is very mischievous.