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Primary French Dog Story Quiz

Primary French Dog Story Quiz

Do this quiz for practice after reading the story, watching the video, and doing the worksheets in this resource:

Maggie and Billy at the river in French


#1. Regardez le chien. (It is) ______ Billy.

#2. He is swimming.

#3. (He has) _____ un bâton.

#4. (He is) _____ mouillé.

#5. (Where) _____ est Maggie?

#6. Maggie looks at something.

#7. Billy arrive (slowly) ________ .

#8. (There are) _______ des cânots.

#9. Maggie et Billy (are happy) ________ .

#10. La rivière est (beautiful) ________ .



Très bien!

Have another go after reading the story, watching the video, and doing the worksheets in this resource:

Maggie and Billy at the river in French