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Monter + Descendre Perfect Tense Quiz

Monter + Descendre Perfect Tense Quiz

This quiz test is for use after learning that French verbs that use Être to form the perfect tense switch to using Avoir in the perfect tense when there is a direct object via the following A Green Mouse resource:

Monter + Descendre in the Perfect Tense

#1. (I went up) ________ l'escalier roulant.

#2. (I went up) ________ pour voir le match.

#3. Le chien (climbed) ______ l'escalier.

#4. Le chien (went down) _________ .

#5. (He took down) ________ son jouet.

#6. (She went up) ____________ .

#7. (She climbed) ________ les marches.

#8. (He went up) ___________ .

#9. Les chiens (went down) _________ .

#10. Les chiens (went down) _____ les marches.



Très bien!

Have another go after practice with the following video resource:

Monter Descendre in the Perfect Tense