Fruit in Spanish Quiz
Do this quiz after practice learning and using the names of fruit and their gender in this A Green Mouse Spanish resource:
So many different types of fruit grow in Spain, such as apples in Northern Spain, and wonderful peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelons, melons and so much more in the South!
#1. Es (a) …. melón.
#2. Me gustan (melons) …………….
#3. Me gusta la piña.
#4. ¿Qué es? Es …… pera.

#5. Es (an orange) ………
#6. It’s an apricot.
#7. ¿Te gusta (fruit)?

#8. Me gustan (strawberries) ……….
#9. Es (an apple) ………

#10. Me gustan (apples).

#11. Me gusta (watermelon).
#12. Me gustan (figs).
#13. No me gustan (grapes) ……..
#14. ¿Quieres (a peach) ……….?
#15. Me gusta (papaya) ……
#16. (The) …… ciruelas.
#17. ¿Quieres (a plum) …..?
#18. (La fruta) is very good.
¡Muy bien!