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Fruit in Spanish Quiz

Fruit in Spanish Quiz

Do this quiz after practice learning and using the names of fruit and their gender in this A Green Mouse Spanish resource:

Names of Fruit in Spanish

So many different types of fruit grow in Spain, such as apples in Northern Spain, and wonderful peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelons, melons and so much more in the South!


#1. Es (a) …. melón.

#2. Me gustan (melons) …………….

#3. Me gusta la piña.

#4. ¿Qué es? Es …… pera.

#5. Es (an orange) ………

#6. It’s an apricot.

#7. ¿Te gusta (fruit)?

#8. Me gustan (strawberries) ……….

#9. Es (an apple) ………

#10. Me gustan (apples).

#11. Me gusta (watermelon).

#12. Me gustan (figs).

#13. No me gustan (grapes) ……..

#14. ¿Quieres (a peach) ……….?

#15. Me gusta (papaya) ……

#16. (The) …… ciruelas.

#17. ¿Quieres (a plum) …..?

#18. (La fruta) is very good.



¡Muy bien!


Have another go.

Learn the vocabulary in this A Green Mouse Resource:

Fruit in Spanish