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Estar + Spanish Prepositions Quiz

Spanish Prepositions Quiz + Estar

Do this quiz test after practice with the video and learning the vocabulary:
Spanish Prepositions Practice


#1. The piece of furniture is between the guitar and the dog.

#2. The sugar is on top of the ensaīmada.

#3. The chick is with its mother.

#4. The dog is next to the wastepaper basket.

#5. The man is in front of the pumpkins.

#6. The cockerel is behind the pumpkin.

#7. The confetti is inside the eggs.

#8. The children are under the tree.

#9. The fallera is near the water.

#10. Valencians live near the sea.



¡Muy bien!

Have another go!

Watch the video and study the prepositions here:
Spanish Preposition Practice