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Parts of the Body in Spanish Quiz

Parts of the Body in Spanish Quiz

Do this quiz test after learning the vocabulary + practice with the video in this resource:

Parts of the Body in Spanish


#1. I have black hair.

#2. I have a red nose.

#3. My nose is big.

#4. I have two elbows.

#5. My hand has fingers.

#6. I have strong legs.

#7. I have strong arms too.

#8. I have two big feet.

#9. I have a horrible stomach.

#10. I have small ears.

#11. (A) ___ nariz.

#12. (A) ___ boca.

#13. (A) ___ dedo.

#14. (A) ___ cabeza.

#15. (A) ___ pie.

#16. (A) ___ rodilla.

#17. (A) ___ pierna.

#18. (A) ___ oreja.

#19. (A) ___ estómago.

#20. (A) ____ mano.



¡Muy bien!

Have another go after learning the vocabulary practice with the video in this resource:
Parts of the Body in Spanish