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French Modal Verbs Quiz

French Modal Verbs Quiz

French Modal Verbs Quiz test linked to the following video resource about wanting, needing and being able to score goals in an online football match:

French Modal Verbs – Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir

#1. Il (wants) _____ jouer au football.

#2. Je (can play) ________ football.

#3. You can't play.

#4. (You must) _________ faire tes devoirs.

#5. Les joueurs (want) _____________ gagner.

#6. Can they score a goal?

#7. We can win.

#8. Oh non! (We can't) _______ gagner!

#9. (I want to play) ______ encore.

#10. (Can you play) _____ encore?



Très bien!

Have another go after practice with the following resource:

French Modal Verbs – Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir