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French Counting Quiz for Kids

Count to 10 in French Quiz for Kids

Numbers 1 to 10 + Fruit in French Quiz for Kids for use after learning the vocabulary and joining in with the following video:
Count to 10 in French with Fruit

#1. (one) ____ pomme

#2. (nine) _______ pommes.

#3. (four) _______ pêches

#4. (a) ______ pêche.

#5. (two) _______ framboises

#6. (a) _____ framboise

#7. (three) ______ myrtilles.

#8. (a) ______ myrtille

#9. (ten) _______ abricots

#10. (an) _____ abricot



Très bien!

Have another go after doing this practice:
Count to 10 in French with Fruit