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Ces, Ses, C’est – French Homophones Quiz

CES, SES, C’EST Quiz Test

Ces, Ses, C’est online quiz test for practice differentiating between these French homophones after studying the grammar and working with the story + video in this A Green Mouse resource:

Ces, Ses, C’est – French Homophones Grammar, Story + Video


#1. (It is) ________ un jour important.

#2. (These) ______ parents s’inquiètent.

#3. Qu’est-ce que (it is) ______ ?

#4. (It is) _____ un oisillon. Il apprend à voler.

#5. (Its) _____ parents s’inquiètent.

#6. (This is) _____ le papa.

#7. (This is) _____ le petit.

#8. Que fait le petit? (It is) _____ incroyable!

#9. Il dort! Il fait peur à (his) _____ parents.

#10. (These) ____ parents ont beaucoup de travaille!



Très bien!

Have another go.

Look at the grammar story/video in this A Green Mouse resource first

Ces, Ses, C’est – French Homophones